
Who Controls Your News Feed? Soon You Might Want To Reconsider How You Are Using Reactions on Facebook

In response to Facebook users’ request to let them interact with posts other than the classic Like, about a year ago Facebook introduced reactions – love, haha, wow, sad and angry. Since then everyone has been wondering which reaction dominates what their impact on the News Feed is?

Perhaps not surprisingly “love” is the winner.  Since reactions were introduced, a Facebook representative told that users have shared 300 billion Reactions and more than half of them were hearts.  This news came as a relief for those who worried that people would prefer “angry” and “sad” over the positive reactions.

Facebook also explained that currently all reactions are weighted the same. This means that News Feed’s algorithms won’t be influenced based on whether you react to a post with “love” or “angry.”

But Facebook also admitted that this might change in the future. Facebook spokesperson said in a statement that they are updating News Feed to “weigh reactions a little more than Likes when taking into account how relevant the story is to each person.”

This comes to remind us that whatever action we take on Facebook, it will influence the News Feed in some way. It is not a secret to anyone that user’s engagement (clicks, likes, shares, and comments) is what make posts go viral. This is why marketers have always tried to tailor their posts in a way that will get them as many likes as possible. The right words to use, the right time to post, the right blend of words and pictures are some of the factors that contribute to the virality of any piece of content shared on Facebook. Soon Facebook page managers will have to think about what kind of posts will provoke reactions like “love” rather than “angry”.

By country, Mexico, Chile, and Suriname were the top three countries using Facebook reactions, Facebook said. Here is the full list of the 10 countries where Reactions have been used the most through the past year:

  1. Mexico
  2. Chile
  3. Suriname
  4. Greece
  5. Paraguay
  6. Costa Rica
  7. Belize
  8. U.S.
  9. Brazil
  10. Uruguay